Thursday, 3 November 2016

YGO - Maskd HERO: Dark Law/Toadally.dek Nov16

I rarely play YGO now; the game is simply too expensive to play and always having "new" archetypes/game mechanics makes it hard for old decks to compete. That being said I was able to get some cards I needed from the most recent set to make an update to my Hero deck.

Deck: 40
Monsters: 11
3 E-Hero Shadow Mist
3 Tin Goldfish
2 Summoner Monk
3 E-Hero Bubbleman

Spells: 19
3 E-Call
3 Instant Fusion
3 A Hero Lives
1 Raigeki
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Soul Charge
1 Book of Moon
3 Mask Change
3 Twin Twister

Traps: 10
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Dimension Barrier
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Call of the Haunted
3 Solemn Strike
1 Soemn Warning

Extra Deck: 15
1 M-Hero Anki
1 M-Hero Acid
2 M-Hero Dark Law
1 Elder Entity Norden
1 Number S39: Utopia the Ligthning
2 Bahamut Shark
1 Number S39: Utopia Prime
1 Number 39: Utopia
1 Heroic Champion - Excalibur
1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1 Traptrix Rafflesia
2 Toadally Awesome

Side Deck: 15
2 Gamciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju
1 Number 101: Silent Honor Ark
1 Abyss Dweller
3 System Down
1 Dark Hole
2 Swords of Concealing Light
1 Treacherous Trap Hole
1 Vanity's Emptiness
3 Anti-Spell Fragrance

For those that don't know, this is derived from the Dark Law/Toad builds that was quite popular for a while in the OCG. The idea is to set up the board with something like Dark Law+Bahamut Shark+Toadally Awesome+backrow turn 1.

Toadally's effect basically is once per turn during either player's turn you can negate and destroy a card effect by sending 1 Aqua-Type monster from your hand or field, if you can set that card to your side of the field. Tldr; Toadally is Cyber Dragon Infinity on steroids.

Making Dark Law is pretty self explanatory; to summon Toadally you first need to xyz in to Bahamut Shark and use Shark's effect to bring out Toadally. Shark can be made by normal summoning Goldfish and special summoning Bubbleman or via Instant Fusion to bring out Norden to special summon a Goldfish or Bubbleman from the grave.

Dark Law+Bahamut Shark+Toadally+traps makes a very stable first turn board; it takes a good amount of your opponent's resources usually 3 cards minimum. 1 - negated by Toadally, 1 - usually traded with trap and 1 - to get rid of Shark. Assuming your opponent goes second this is half their hand.

Here's an example to make Dark Law+Toadally+backrow; you need in hand Shadow Mist, Goldfish, Bubbleman and the rest spells/traps:

Normal summon Goldfish, effect > Special summon Shadow Mist, effect > Add Mask Change to hand > set all spells/traps > Special summon Bubbleman > Overlay Goldfish+Bubbleman to make Shark, Shark's effect > Special summon Toadally > End turn, during your opponent's standby phase activate Mask Change to make Dark Law.

As always there are plenty more combos in the deck and with Instant Fusion Dark Law+ 2 Toadally is possible too. Try and muck around yourself  =P


  • This isn't a top tier deck don't expect to be winning all the time...
  • My side deck is geared towards my local's meta: 
    • Gamciel for anything I have trouble getting over, big bodies/annoying stuff (e.g. Blue Eyes and Kirin). 
    • 101 is still great going second if I can't make Toad.
    • Abyss Dweller if I can't make Dark Law and need grave hate.
    • System Down for machine decks mainly Kozmos and ABC.
    • Dark Hole if I need more board clear particularly useful going second.
    • Swords of Concealing Light functions similar to Raigeki/Dark Hole but its more of a stall card and prevents any grave effects going off.
    • I don't main deck Treacherous anymore, I swap it in and out depending on match up.
    • Vanity's self explanatory...I main Dimension Barrier.
    • Anti-Spell Fragrance for anything spell reliant like Monarchs & pendulums.
  • It's primarily a turn 1 deck so always go first if you can.
  • If you can't make Dark Law+Toad+backrow or Dark Law+Rafflesia+backrow, its all uphill from there.
  • This is a control deck; you have a higher chance of winning controlling the game state versus trying to OTK or make trades.

*images from yugioh.wikia and YGOPRO*

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