Going to begin by saying this definitely is not a top tier deck but the overall mechanics that OTT possess (lotsa draw power) makes them still relatively fun to play and can snag some wins here and there.
GRADE 4: 16
2 Sword Deity of the Thunder Break, Takemikazuchi
4 Lord of Guidance, Wakahirume
2 Floral Witch Master, MiMi
4 Dragon Destroyer Battle Deity, Kamususanoo
2 Sunrise-on-high Godhawk, Ichibyoshi
1 Metal Elemental, Scryew
1 Dark Elemental, Dizmel
GRADE 3: 8
4 Scarlet Witch, CoCo
4 Rose Red Witch, CooCoo
1 Supreme Heavenly Battle Deity, Susanoo
GRADE 2: 11
4 Silent Tom
3 Diviner, Shinatsuhiko
2 Imperial Shrine Guard, Asuha
2 Diviner, Kuroikazuchi
GRADE 1: 14
3 Divine Sword, Ame-no-Murakumo
4 Arbitrator, Ame-no-Sagiri
2 Battle Sister, Cocoa
2 Battle Sister, Lemonade
3 Imperial Shrine Guard, Tsunagai
GRADE 0: 17
4 Psychic Bird
4 Divine Sword, Kusanagi
4 Any other critical trigger
4 Lozenge Magus
1 Little Witch, Lulu (Starter)
- You should always aim to ride CoCo first whether you want to ride a 11k over her afterwards up to you. Where riding G3 normally is a (-1); CoCo+Lulu nets you a (+2).
- CooCoo is mainly fodder for MiMi.
- Ride Susanoo against control matches such as Gear Chronicle. Narukami and Kagero, his stride skill each turn helps a ton. Search Susanoo via the grade 1 stride enabler.
- Wakahirume, MiMi and Silent Tom are the pressure cards for this deck; its sad but OTT actually has no proper forms of pressure or win condition.
- I play weak grade 1s therefore 12k attackers and 10k vanillas help a ton, Kuroikazuchi is there to replenish hand if needed.
- Cocoa helps with filtering/stacking, Lemonade to counter charge (ride over G3, use Psychic Bird and Kusanagi to generate soul; not hard) and since I'm playing 4 Toms; 8k vanillas help him hit 16k.
- No messing around the deck draws a lot already so 12crit, 4 heal. Very scary line up with Battle Sister, Cocoa and Wakahirume.
- The bread and butter stride is Wakahirume once you get triggers in your hand, constant trigger pressure at your will.
- Kamususanoo GB3 will allow any 10k vanilla or 12k attacker column to easily hit 21k.
- MiMi instantly end the game for you first stride if you crit sacked hard enough =P or get you a huge advantage because your opponent had to drop 2 cards...
- Easy card advantage.
- Decent to strong early game because of Toms; you can do some serious damage if you can hit the 15/16k magic numbers.
- Very high recover mechanics. Too much? Stack a heal trigger with Wakahirume. Not enough cards? Draw some with Takemikazuchi and Kuroikazuchi.
- No real win condition.
- Mostly weak rear guards.
- Little pressure.
OTT probably hasn't gotten any real support for over a year now so there really isn't much to say about the deck pretty old school beat down... I got in to the clans because its super cheap at the moment with potential in the coming up booster sets. I've decided to push back the Brave post for now, look forward to a Magus post though~
*images from cardfight.wikia*
*images from cardfight.wikia*
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