Unlike the traditional G1 rush (go Google Seekers G1 rush). This deck is basically 50 cards that have insane synergy thrown together and it just so happened that the deck plays on G1. The deck requires set up and intricate plays and in return you get card advantage and multi-attacks (if you're familiar with YGO this is similar to Lightsworns).
2 Tempest-calling Pirate King, Goauche
1 Loved by the Seven Seas, Nightmist
1 Pirate King of the Abyss, Blueheart
1 Pirate King of Secret Schemes, Bandit Rum
1 Ghostie Great King, Obadiah
2 Demon Sea Queen, Madread
*Gona be honest the you'd rarely get to stride, having 1 or 2 choices is plenty...*
Grade 3: 2
1 Seven Seas Sage, Plegeton
1 Seven Seas Dragon Undead, Prisoner Dragon
Grade 2: 8
4 Seven Seas Master Swordsman, Slash Shade
4 Seven Seas Pillager, Nightspinel
Grade 1: 16
4 Greedy Mimic
4 Seven Seas Helmsman, Nightcrow
4 Witch Doctor of the Seven Seas, Raistutor
4 Evil Shade
Grade 0: 24
4 Rough Seas Banshee (crit)
4 Cody the Ghostie (crit)
2 more crit triggers
4 Performing Zombie (stand)
2 Graham the Ghostie (stand)
4 Chappie the Ghostie
4 Seven Seas Apprentice, Nightrunner
- First of all the G-zone is pretty much just for show...out of the few weeks or so I've played the deck I've probably only used the G-zone twice so its perfectly fine if you don't have one.
- When you mulligan remember to keep a Seven Seas G1, if you don't see one return your whole hand; the deck won't run properly without a Seven Seas vanguard.
- The units that you want to keep on the field are Evil Shade and Greedy Mimic all the other units are mostly there to help you set up.
- Nightspinel (top priority), Nightrunner, Chappie, Evil Shade and Performing Zombie are your main mill units.
- All the G3s, G2s, Nightcrow, Cody and Nightrunner are what you generally want in your drop zone.
- Raistutor and Nightrunner are the main card advantage generators.
- I'm not going to list every card interaction but here are some typical things you can do assuming things set up...
- Use Slash Shade's skill from the drop to replace the units in the front row for up to 2 more attacks. Units you generally want to retire are Raistutor (after you've used the skill), Nightcrow, Slash Shade, Nightspinel and Prisoner Dragon. This gives you G2 units in the front row (5k shields) as well as drop zone set up for next turn.
- Raistutor skill if you hit a "Seven Seas" card, call the unit > Use Nightcrow from drop zone, sack the unit you called via Raistutor to have Nightcrow permanently (+1). A similar thing can be done with Nightrunner instead of Raistutor.
- With Nightspinel(A) on the field. Call 2 Nightcrows and/or Nightspinels from drop zone > attack with Nightcrow/Nightspinel column > attack with vanguard > sack Nightcrow for Slash Shade. Nightspinel(A) should now have powered up 3-4 times which when boosted by any G1 will hit the 21k magic number.
- You can ride G2 if you want its fine provided you've dealt a good amount of damage (3 is ok, 4 is good, 5 is perfect),your opponent is low on cards (3-5 cards in hand depending on damage dealt is ideal) and you've got Plegeton in hand or the drop zone (easily done with Chappie). Make sure your opponent is on G3 first so you get to stride first > ride Plegeton ditch multiple cards in hand to stride and go for game. If it doesn't work whelp better luck next game.
- Remember that you cannot guard with G2s from your hand if you're on G1 but you can still use G2s to intercept. So always try to end your turn with Slash Shade or Nightspinel in the front row for basically free 5k shields.
- If you want counter blast leave your front rows empty by double intercepting so at least 1 attack is forced to be aimed at your vanguard.
- As always with rush don't be afraid to call triggers if they help hit numbers.
- I'm playing 10 crit, 6 stand just my preference. Play whatever crit:stand ratio you like.
- And again if you can't end the game early, it gets hard and you even lose its ok don't get annoyed over it; this is the nature of rush decks. Its your job to deal as much damage as you can and its your opponent's job to survive as best as they can.
Seven Seas G1 Rush is an extremely strong deck; in a sense its anti-meta because most decks heavily rely on strides. Is it toxic? imo no; now before all the cry babies start calling us names and this deck is unfair etc note that before the whole G-era EVERY deck played like this so stop being a b**** and learn to just deal with it. hehe XD
Seven Seas Rush has gotten a lot more people at locals to enter the game its a fairly easy deck to learn and hella cheap to build im pretty confident you could build the deck with 2-3 strides for less than $10 which is crazy considering the decks it keeps up with.
I'm enjoying the "meta" a lot right now its pretty diverse and fun though some may disagree...I'll explain a little more next time where I'll be attempting to put out a meta analysis since a couple of guys have asked, my writing is still pretty bad so hopefully its not going to be a complete mess...
Seven Seas Rush has gotten a lot more people at locals to enter the game its a fairly easy deck to learn and hella cheap to build im pretty confident you could build the deck with 2-3 strides for less than $10 which is crazy considering the decks it keeps up with.
I'm enjoying the "meta" a lot right now its pretty diverse and fun though some may disagree...I'll explain a little more next time where I'll be attempting to put out a meta analysis since a couple of guys have asked, my writing is still pretty bad so hopefully its not going to be a complete mess...
*images from cardfight.wikia*
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