I'm gona start by saying I don't actually own this deck but knowing that Doctoroid Refros got restricted in the Japanese version of the game and afraid the same might happen for the English format I asked a nice friend from my locals to loan me hers just so I can play the deck at "full" power =P
Grade 4: 16
3 Holy Seraph, Nociel
4 Holy Seraph, Raphael
1 Holy Seraph, Uriel
1 Holy Seraph, Raziel
1 Snow Elemental, Blizza
1 Air Elemental, Sebreeze
2 Holy Seraph, Orifiel
2 Dark Elemental, Dizmel
1 Metal Elemental, Scryew
Grade 3: 6
4 Love Sniper, Nociel
2 Black Shiver, Gavrail
(^To be really NEVER want to ride her^)
(^To be really NEVER want to ride her^)
Grade 2: 14
4 Love Machine Gun, Nociel
4 Nurse of Broken Heart
4 Candle Celestial, Sariel
2 Earth Elemental, Pokkur
Grade 1: 13
4 Pure Keeper, Requiel (Sentinel)
4 Battle Cupid, Nociel
3 Black Call, Nakir (Stride Fodder)
2 Thousand Ray Pegasus
Grade 0: 17
4 Happy Bell, Nociel (Stand)
4 Doctoroid Refros (Stand)
4 Fever Therapy Nurse (Draw)
4 Sunny Smile Angel (Heal)
1 Hope Child, Turiel (Starter)
The deck has been modified to my preferences such as playing Pokkurs & Draw triggers. And for those that don't know how Nociel's a tank, combo deck focused around the interaction between Love Sniper, other "Nociel" cards, Broken Heart and Doctoroid Refros. The deck breaks the typical laws of Vanguard being able to generate a stupid amount of card advantage and power up units to enormous numbers during either players turn.
Love Sniper has two AUTO skills:
- Whenever a "Nociel" card is put into your damage zone you can Counter Blast (1) to put that face up card into your hand by replacing it with the top card of your deck. Essentially that "Nociel" card that just entered your damage becomes yours; a free card/very simple +1.
- Her second skill is present on all "Nociel" cards just in different ways. You may simply swap a card from your hand with a card in the damage zone. Love Sniper's skill goes off when you ride her, Love Machine Gun goes off when she's placed on Rear Guard circle, Battle Cupid goes off when she's placed on Guard circle and Happy Bell goes off when she's put into the Soul.
Her first skill is the one you want to take note off as it can go off on either player's turn whenever a "Nociel" card enters the Damage Zone. There are multiple ways to proc the skill, here are some examples:
EX1 - Using a Love Machine Gun, Nociel (Similar thing can be done with Happy Bell)
EX1 - Using a Love Machine Gun, Nociel (Similar thing can be done with Happy Bell)
In the Main Phase you have Love Machine Gun and Battle Cupid in hand, you want to add the Sentinel from the Damage Zone to your hand.
Play Love Machine Gun on a Rear Guard circle and use her skill to swap a card > Place the Battle Cupid from your hand face up into your Damage Zone > Then take the Sentinel from the Damage Zone > Love Sniper's AUTO skill activates; Counter Blast (1) > Add that same face up Battle Cupid back to your hand > Skill continues, take the top card of your deck and put it into your Damage Zone face up > Was that "top card" a "Nociel" and do you have more Counter Blast? If so Love Sniper's AUTO skill activates again.
EX2 - Using Battle Cupid, Nociel
Play Love Machine Gun on a Rear Guard circle and use her skill to swap a card > Place the Battle Cupid from your hand face up into your Damage Zone > Then take the Sentinel from the Damage Zone > Love Sniper's AUTO skill activates; Counter Blast (1) > Add that same face up Battle Cupid back to your hand > Skill continues, take the top card of your deck and put it into your Damage Zone face up > Was that "top card" a "Nociel" and do you have more Counter Blast? If so Love Sniper's AUTO skill activates again.
EX2 - Using Battle Cupid, Nociel
In the Battle Phase you have Battle Cupid and Happy Bell in hand, you want to add the Heal trigger from the Damage Zone to your hand.
During the Guard step; place Battle Cupid on Guard circle, this activates her skill to swap a card from your hand with a card in the Damage Zone > Take the Heal trigger & replace it with Happy Bell > Love Sniper's AUTO skill activates; Counter Blast (1) > Add that face up Happy Bell back to your hand > Love Sniper's skill continues, take the top card of your deck and put it into your Damage Zone face up > Was that "top card" a "Nociel" and do you have more Counter Blast? If so Love Sniper's AUTO skill activates again > Guard step continues; you may even you the Heal trigger you just got!
EX3 - Doctoroid Refros
In the Main Phase you want to use Doctoroid Refros skill to refresh your Damage Zone, return some triggers back to the deck, power up a Broken Heart on the field and/or get some free cards =P
Activate Refros' skill; Counter Blast (1) > Return Refros and up to 2 cards in the Damage Zone back to the deck > Put 2 cards from the top of your deck into the Damage Zone & draw a card > Was there a "Nociel" card in those 2 cards? If there was continue > Love Sniper's AUTO skill activates; Counter Blast (1) > Add that face up "Nociel" card to your hand > Love Sniper's skill continues, take the top card of your deck and put it into your Damage Zone face up.
EX4 - Damage Checking
Your opponent attacks your Vanguard with their Rear Guard, you have open Counter Blasts so you choose not to Guard, you take (1) damage > Damage Check; the card is a Happy Bell, she enters the Damage Zone > Love Sniper's AUTO skill activates; Counter Blast (1) > Add that face up Happy Bell to your hand > Love Sniper's skill continues, take the top card of your deck and put it into your Damage Zone face up > Was the "top card" a "Nociel" and do you have more Counter Blast? If so Love Sniper's AUTO skill activates again > Battle Phase continues.
TLDR; You may add any "Nociel" cards that that enters the Damage Zone by replacing it with the top card of your deck.
The reason why the deck is so strong is because all these scenarios can be very easily pulled off combined with cards that synergise extremely well with the whole damage swapping mechanic such as Broken Heart and Sariel this makes for a deck with both strong tool boxing, defensive turns and very strong offensive turns.
Though the main character of the deck are the Nociels the star of the show is really Broken Heart, she's the bread & butter unit for both defense and offense and probably why Doctoroid Refros is limited in the Japanese format. She has a very simple skill, +2000 power to both herself and the Vanguard every time a card enters the Damage Zone. If you read the examples above then you'd understand why this card is so good particularly when you have multiple copies on the field, combo or looping her skill with Battle Cupid or Refros makes both Vanguard and herself reach enormous numbers on either player's turn.
Here's an example for a strong defensive play; say you have 2 Broken Hearts on the field (easily achieved through Sariel), it's your opponents turn and he attacks. Your opponent swings at your Vanguard (Love Sniper) with a 21000 Rear Guard column, normally you would drop 15000 worth shield (2 cards min.) but wait you have Broken Hearts.
You use Battle Cupid to guard and activate her skill to swap damage > You place a "Nociel" card in the Damage Zone and take another card; this triggers each Broken Heart once so +4000 power to Love Sniper > Because you placed a "Nociel" card in Damage Zone, Love Sniper's AUTO skill triggers > You add the "Nociel" card back to hand and the top card of your deck is put into your Damage Zone > Broken Hearts are triggered again, +4000 power to Love Sniper (Love Sniper may go off again if the entered card was a "Nociel").
At the cost of 1 card (Battle Cupid) you got a 14000 shield (more if you proc'd Love Sniper more) enough to block 21000 columns and until end of turn your Vanguard is 19000 base (more if more cards enter the Damage Zone).
Here's an example for a strong offensive play; you have 2 Broken Hearts on the field, some damage & multiple of either Love Machine Gun, Happy Bell and/or Doctoroid Refros in hand. It's probably mid-late game and both players have gone through roughly half their decks.
Play Refros, skill to refresh/swap 2 cards from the Damage Zone, lets say you hit a "Nociel" and Love Sniper goes off (card +1); Broken Hearts +6000 power > You play Love Machine Gun to swap a card from the Damage Zone, putting a "Nociel" card in to trigger Love Sniper (card+1); Broken Hearts +4000 > You play Refros again to refresh/swap 2 cards; Broken Hearts +4000 again.
If you've been reading up to here then I don't think any more explanation is needed. What's basically happening is you're abusing "Nociels" and Refros' skills to continuously trigger Love Sniper's AUTO skill giving you (+1) every time cards enter your Damage Zone while passively pumping up your Broken Hearts and Vanguard. If your deck size is small enough or luck is on your side the above "offensive" play is essentially a loop between "Nociels", Broken Heart and Doctoroid Refros; eventually all that will be left in your deck are Doctoroid Refros+random cards you sent back in meaning your Broken Hearts and Vanguard can get "infinite" power bonuses AND the guarantee to Drive Check Stand triggers (because the only cards in your deck are Refros).
This is probably the foremost reason why this deck is so strong. This deck has been topping tournaments all over the place for a while now particularly in Japan; no idea why it hasn't caught on in the English format yet =S especially with the release of G Guardians negating the need to stride for a turn, the deck is a ton faster. Literally the moment you ride grade 3 you plus; every single turn with a "Nociel" in hand or damaging a "Nociel" card is like checking a Draw trigger. The overwhelming card advantage and power units can hit makes this whether you like it or not in my opinion the best deck right now. If you want to consistently win, you want the highest chance of winning; play this deck; it has card advantage/draw power, very strong Rear Guards, huge defense (seriously, the moment when your opponent needs to check 2 triggers to hit your Vanguard is funny...), anti-game ending through Raphael healing... and even multi-attacks through the Nociel stride + Stand triggers...
This is pretty much all I have to say but to end the post off I'll just throw in some notes on specific cards I think deserve to be mentioned.
- Multiples of Dark Elemental, Dizmel are an absolute must to protect your Broken Hearts, chaining them with Battle Cupids is often enough to make your front row untouchable.
- Candle Celestial, Sariel is an extremely important card of the deck similar to Starlight Violinist or Benon for Royal Paladins. With Turiel or Nociels she essentially gets you any card you want out of your deck which is extremely important to ensure you ride Love Sniper.
- Earth Elemental, Pokkur is a very important "tech". This deck is has an auto-loss matchup against Link Jokers, CBD especially so Pokkur gives you the deck a fighting chance; funnily if you do pull it off you most likely win the game =P
- I like to play Draw triggers because it helps get through the early game, rush decks and Link Jokers but Critical triggers are also very strong especially if you can control your Refros well; a deck with only Stand and Critical triggers left and 100k power Rear Guards is no joke.
Though the main character of the deck are the Nociels the star of the show is really Broken Heart, she's the bread & butter unit for both defense and offense and probably why Doctoroid Refros is limited in the Japanese format. She has a very simple skill, +2000 power to both herself and the Vanguard every time a card enters the Damage Zone. If you read the examples above then you'd understand why this card is so good particularly when you have multiple copies on the field, combo or looping her skill with Battle Cupid or Refros makes both Vanguard and herself reach enormous numbers on either player's turn.
Here's an example for a strong defensive play; say you have 2 Broken Hearts on the field (easily achieved through Sariel), it's your opponents turn and he attacks. Your opponent swings at your Vanguard (Love Sniper) with a 21000 Rear Guard column, normally you would drop 15000 worth shield (2 cards min.) but wait you have Broken Hearts.
You use Battle Cupid to guard and activate her skill to swap damage > You place a "Nociel" card in the Damage Zone and take another card; this triggers each Broken Heart once so +4000 power to Love Sniper > Because you placed a "Nociel" card in Damage Zone, Love Sniper's AUTO skill triggers > You add the "Nociel" card back to hand and the top card of your deck is put into your Damage Zone > Broken Hearts are triggered again, +4000 power to Love Sniper (Love Sniper may go off again if the entered card was a "Nociel").
At the cost of 1 card (Battle Cupid) you got a 14000 shield (more if you proc'd Love Sniper more) enough to block 21000 columns and until end of turn your Vanguard is 19000 base (more if more cards enter the Damage Zone).
Here's an example for a strong offensive play; you have 2 Broken Hearts on the field, some damage & multiple of either Love Machine Gun, Happy Bell and/or Doctoroid Refros in hand. It's probably mid-late game and both players have gone through roughly half their decks.
Play Refros, skill to refresh/swap 2 cards from the Damage Zone, lets say you hit a "Nociel" and Love Sniper goes off (card +1); Broken Hearts +6000 power > You play Love Machine Gun to swap a card from the Damage Zone, putting a "Nociel" card in to trigger Love Sniper (card+1); Broken Hearts +4000 > You play Refros again to refresh/swap 2 cards; Broken Hearts +4000 again.
If you've been reading up to here then I don't think any more explanation is needed. What's basically happening is you're abusing "Nociels" and Refros' skills to continuously trigger Love Sniper's AUTO skill giving you (+1) every time cards enter your Damage Zone while passively pumping up your Broken Hearts and Vanguard. If your deck size is small enough or luck is on your side the above "offensive" play is essentially a loop between "Nociels", Broken Heart and Doctoroid Refros; eventually all that will be left in your deck are Doctoroid Refros+random cards you sent back in meaning your Broken Hearts and Vanguard can get "infinite" power bonuses AND the guarantee to Drive Check Stand triggers (because the only cards in your deck are Refros).
This is probably the foremost reason why this deck is so strong. This deck has been topping tournaments all over the place for a while now particularly in Japan; no idea why it hasn't caught on in the English format yet =S especially with the release of G Guardians negating the need to stride for a turn, the deck is a ton faster. Literally the moment you ride grade 3 you plus; every single turn with a "Nociel" in hand or damaging a "Nociel" card is like checking a Draw trigger. The overwhelming card advantage and power units can hit makes this whether you like it or not in my opinion the best deck right now. If you want to consistently win, you want the highest chance of winning; play this deck; it has card advantage/draw power, very strong Rear Guards, huge defense (seriously, the moment when your opponent needs to check 2 triggers to hit your Vanguard is funny...), anti-game ending through Raphael healing... and even multi-attacks through the Nociel stride + Stand triggers...
This is pretty much all I have to say but to end the post off I'll just throw in some notes on specific cards I think deserve to be mentioned.
- Multiples of Dark Elemental, Dizmel are an absolute must to protect your Broken Hearts, chaining them with Battle Cupids is often enough to make your front row untouchable.
- Candle Celestial, Sariel is an extremely important card of the deck similar to Starlight Violinist or Benon for Royal Paladins. With Turiel or Nociels she essentially gets you any card you want out of your deck which is extremely important to ensure you ride Love Sniper.
- Earth Elemental, Pokkur is a very important "tech". This deck is has an auto-loss matchup against Link Jokers, CBD especially so Pokkur gives you the deck a fighting chance; funnily if you do pull it off you most likely win the game =P
- I like to play Draw triggers because it helps get through the early game, rush decks and Link Jokers but Critical triggers are also very strong especially if you can control your Refros well; a deck with only Stand and Critical triggers left and 100k power Rear Guards is no joke.
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