I have more time now, yay~ and have been playing at my locals a lot more with Spring Circuit in my region coming up soon. I played in one of our weekly tournaments during the week, I'll be posting more of these since it seems to be the posts that get the most view =P
Since the Aichi Legend Deck just came out I decided to play SGD/Blasters with some slight changes, here's what I played.
- So right off the bat you'll notice the most important changes are a set of full art BBs (Blaster Blades) XD.
- BBE (Blaster Blade Exceed) has been added to the deck, those of you that keep up with the Japanese game would have already seen a list like this:
- 11000 base, searchable G3 via Wingal Brave; basically the deck will never be grade stuck and you will always have a stride fodder, particularly important if you're playing SGA and not SGD.
- And often overlooked is his on play ability; CB1 to retire a G1 or higher:
- this gets around Nightrose's GB2+Cannoneer combo (if you happen to get that far).
- you can retire important units for example Broken Nurse against Nociel or G2s against Nightrunner to remove shield value.
- Myriad Soul Saver puts out similar numbers as Regalie, sometimes even more; if that doesn't end the game hopefully you draw in to SGD and ride that to access Regalie for game.
- A G2 (Twin Sword previously) has been taken out for a G1, I'm testing between a third Laura and Paccgal atm. Paccgal is really good in this deck as a 1 off, he can be tutored by SGD to get around opponents not giving me CB and as having an extra G1 helps a bit more for the G1 game.
We had a 15~20 player tournament (I wasn't really paying attention =S), 4 rounds, best of 1s for the first 3 rounds and best of 3 for the last round. I took first place =D
I had a decent opening hand but was to go second which kinda sucked. For those that still don't know the way to play against SGD... You don't play to beat SGD in the game, you need to play to survive and get past that stage of the game in the most efficient way possible which is to always attack the RG making SGD go minus and not have CB in the process to make plays. So basically I had to play the G2 game on 1 CB otherwise I lose pressure; fortunately I was able to ride BB and had Llew+Barcgal, pushing Opponent1 to 3 damage by turn 2.
When it was time for Opponent1 to ride G3, he decides to skip it as he was on 3 damage and I was on 1, therefore I will unable to Sebreeze pressure would be on me, he simply attacks a RG and passes.
After assessing the situation I decided to ride G3 first and throw my hand down making |19000|17000|15000| columns, this was my thought process:
Round 1 - Gaia - WIN (1-0)

When it was time for Opponent1 to ride G3, he decides to skip it as he was on 3 damage and I was on 1, therefore I will unable to Sebreeze pressure would be on me, he simply attacks a RG and passes.
After assessing the situation I decided to ride G3 first and throw my hand down making |19000|17000|15000| columns, this was my thought process:
- He had 6 cards in hand, 1 would definitely be a G3 and another a stride fodder, I know that from previous drive checks there is a G1, G2 and a stand trigger.
- This means he had about 35000~ worth of shield; 19000 = 15000 shield, 17000 = 10000 for 1 to pass and 15000 = 10000 shield.
- So if I check a crit trigger I can potentially win the game or drop his entire hand.
I attack with 15000 column first (SGD+Flogal) >> Opponent1 guards with stand trigger, attack with VG for 17000 (SGD+Miron) >> Opponent1 no guards >> I check Llew and Benon >> Opponent1 damage checks nothing, attack for 19000 (Llew+Barcgal) >> Opponent1 no guards, I pass turn.
Back to my opponent's turn he rides Gaia and strides Gaia Dynst, basically what he wanted to do was retire my Llew+Barcgal column, hope that I don't have another and check a heal. He made a few attacks with Engorge and retired my Llew column...I just took everything because I was on 1 damage...but unfortunately he didn't get the heal he needed for a chance to survive next turn, he passes.
I ditch BB and a Benon to stride Regalie, and play Elaine (Heal trigger) in the empty column and Llew over SGD in front of Flogal. I attack with Elaine 14000 >> Opponent1 guards, Llew+Flogal attacks for 25000 >> Opponent1 guards >> Llew brings out BB, I attack with VG 41000 >> Opponent1 no guards >> I check a crit for game.
Round 2 - Luard - WIN (2-0)

This game ended pretty quickly in typical SGD fashion, I was able to get the Llew+2 Barcgal set up turn 2, so with 1 CB I made 2 19000 attacks and on top of that I checked a crit which pushed Opponent2 to 4 damage by turn 2.
Opponent2 rides Luard, plays a Grosne and a Nemain and just attacks my RGs which I no guard >> Opponent2 checks a heal and a draw trigger.
Back to my turn I know that if I just check a crit I basically have game or at the very least a huge hand drop so I ride SGD, bring out Flogal and stride Regalie. Regalie cont. front +12000 so I had 3 columns and a BB that would restand |BB+Barcgal 28000|SGD+crit trigger 43000|Flogal+Barcgal 23000|. Flogal+Barcgal attacks first >> Opponent2 G-guards, SGD attacks >> Opponent2 no guards >> I check a crit trigger, all effects to BB >> Opponent2 takes 1 damage, no trigger, BB attacks 26000 >> Opponent2 no guards >> Opponent2 takes 2 damage for game.
Opponent2 rides Luard, plays a Grosne and a Nemain and just attacks my RGs which I no guard >> Opponent2 checks a heal and a draw trigger.
Back to my turn I know that if I just check a crit I basically have game or at the very least a huge hand drop so I ride SGD, bring out Flogal and stride Regalie. Regalie cont. front +12000 so I had 3 columns and a BB that would restand |BB+Barcgal 28000|SGD+crit trigger 43000|Flogal+Barcgal 23000|. Flogal+Barcgal attacks first >> Opponent2 G-guards, SGD attacks >> Opponent2 no guards >> I check a crit trigger, all effects to BB >> Opponent2 takes 1 damage, no trigger, BB attacks 26000 >> Opponent2 no guards >> Opponent2 takes 2 damage for game.
Round 3 - Nightrunner - WIN (3-0)

Another game that ended quickly as is the norm when 2 aggro decks face off. I actually opened pretty bad I had a bunch of G1s and basically missed my G2 power spike. On the contrary Opponent3 opened pretty well I'd say, he was able to get Nightrunner in to drop after guarding with Chappie almost immediately and basically he was able to do things while I tried my best to reduce the number of damage taken as much as possible...
By the time I was on SGD I think the damage was something like 3:1 (me:Opponent3); pretty much the only I could get back in the game was to get multiple multi-attacks or get triggers like a protagonist (not necessarily proc'ing them but so I have 10000 shields). I was on a timer too as my opponent could potentially ride up and stride for game. But it happened...I completely s̶a̶c̶k̶e̶d̶ *ahem* I mean outplayed my opponent by checking a heal on his turn followed by throwing my hand down, Llew+Barcgal into a re-standing BB with crit the following turn which my opponent was 5000 shield off guarding, super tilting because that 5000 shield was a Slash Shade I retired with BBE. I felt pretty bad for Opponent3, it was one of those games where he did everything right but lost completely to RNG; that's Vanguard101 for you lol.

Another game that ended quickly as is the norm when 2 aggro decks face off. I actually opened pretty bad I had a bunch of G1s and basically missed my G2 power spike. On the contrary Opponent3 opened pretty well I'd say, he was able to get Nightrunner in to drop after guarding with Chappie almost immediately and basically he was able to do things while I tried my best to reduce the number of damage taken as much as possible...
By the time I was on SGD I think the damage was something like 3:1 (me:Opponent3); pretty much the only I could get back in the game was to get multiple multi-attacks or get triggers like a protagonist (not necessarily proc'ing them but so I have 10000 shields). I was on a timer too as my opponent could potentially ride up and stride for game. But it happened...I completely s̶a̶c̶k̶e̶d̶ *ahem* I mean outplayed my opponent by checking a heal on his turn followed by throwing my hand down, Llew+Barcgal into a re-standing BB with crit the following turn which my opponent was 5000 shield off guarding, super tilting because that 5000 shield was a Slash Shade I retired with BBE. I felt pretty bad for Opponent3, it was one of those games where he did everything right but lost completely to RNG; that's Vanguard101 for you lol.
Round 4 - Nightrunner - WIN 2-1 (4-0)

Game 1 was one of those games where your deck refuses to co-operate...I drew in to a lot of G1 and G0s and even missed my G-assist for G3...long story short I didn't get the cards I needed to stay in the game and was quickly overwhelmed by the rush. Opponent eventually rode Plegeton from hand...and strided, I scooped.
Game 2 was a much more "normal"; Opponent4 got his Nightrunner set up and I was able to open with G2s; I didn't see a G3 though so Wingal grabbed BBE to avoid being stuck. Similar to playing against SGD; against Nightrunner you generally want to deal 1 damage at a time until they're on 3-5 damage; then you can all in to push for game. By giving only 1 CB per turn it limits their options for example it disables double Slash Shade plays and riding Plegeton from drop zone.
Match went I guess accordingly with the nature of these decks; lots of attacks and guarding. Damage was 3:2 (Opponent4:me) and it was Opponent4's turn, he had proc'd a draw trigger earlier and proceeded to play Dancing Cutlass to get another draw, he had a decent hand size. He proceeded with typical Nightrunner shenanigans (Nightrunner+Nightcrow+Spinel things) then attacked, I think I guarded the RGs and then took the VG where he checked a crit trigger and then attacked me with Slash Shade boosted by Nightcrow; I assume that he wanted to deal as much damage possible confident in his hand size to guard knowing that I'm probably going to ride the BBE I searched earlier. That was imo a very greedy play since he was still sitting on G1 and probably costed him the game because I actually drew in to SGD shortly after searching the BBE.
I was able to make double Llew columns the following turn...double Llew+Barcgal in to 2 BBs and a crit trigger secured game for me (19000 >> 12000 >> 19000 >> 25000 (SGD LB4) >> 17000).
Game 3 I went second opened with a crit trigger, Barcgal, Laura, Llew and Benon and drew in to a second Llew. Opponent made standard Nightrunner plays, I was able to guard with the crit trigger so when I rode G2 damage was 2:1 (me:Opponent4) perfect for me to play Llew+Barcal and Benon; Opponent4 guarded my VG for 1 to pass and I checked a crit which eventually took him to 4 damage.
My opponent was now in a really tough spot and really had 2 choices; hit me really hard and hope that I don't have the pieces to take the game next turn allowing for a chance the following turn to make a comeback (this is knowing that I have enough shield to guard at least 2 attacks) or play defensive, give me no more than 1 CB and hope that 1 CB isn't enough to kill him. Opponent4 did the latter which imo was the correct play but I had prepared for this situations... so on my turn I rode SGD and fetched Paccgal to CC, I then played Llew and Flogal from my hand; my opponent scooped.
It always feels good to win something and I had a blast playing with the new changes to the deck; Spring Circuit is coming soon for me and I'm still uncertain to take SGD or Brave with me... I'll at least be making another one of these posts in the next 2 weeks, hopefully by then I'd have made a decision~
Good luck to everyone playing at your tournaments!

Game 1 was one of those games where your deck refuses to co-operate...I drew in to a lot of G1 and G0s and even missed my G-assist for G3...long story short I didn't get the cards I needed to stay in the game and was quickly overwhelmed by the rush. Opponent eventually rode Plegeton from hand...and strided, I scooped.
Game 2 was a much more "normal"; Opponent4 got his Nightrunner set up and I was able to open with G2s; I didn't see a G3 though so Wingal grabbed BBE to avoid being stuck. Similar to playing against SGD; against Nightrunner you generally want to deal 1 damage at a time until they're on 3-5 damage; then you can all in to push for game. By giving only 1 CB per turn it limits their options for example it disables double Slash Shade plays and riding Plegeton from drop zone.
Match went I guess accordingly with the nature of these decks; lots of attacks and guarding. Damage was 3:2 (Opponent4:me) and it was Opponent4's turn, he had proc'd a draw trigger earlier and proceeded to play Dancing Cutlass to get another draw, he had a decent hand size. He proceeded with typical Nightrunner shenanigans (Nightrunner+Nightcrow+Spinel things) then attacked, I think I guarded the RGs and then took the VG where he checked a crit trigger and then attacked me with Slash Shade boosted by Nightcrow; I assume that he wanted to deal as much damage possible confident in his hand size to guard knowing that I'm probably going to ride the BBE I searched earlier. That was imo a very greedy play since he was still sitting on G1 and probably costed him the game because I actually drew in to SGD shortly after searching the BBE.
I was able to make double Llew columns the following turn...double Llew+Barcgal in to 2 BBs and a crit trigger secured game for me (19000 >> 12000 >> 19000 >> 25000 (SGD LB4) >> 17000).
Game 3 I went second opened with a crit trigger, Barcgal, Laura, Llew and Benon and drew in to a second Llew. Opponent made standard Nightrunner plays, I was able to guard with the crit trigger so when I rode G2 damage was 2:1 (me:Opponent4) perfect for me to play Llew+Barcal and Benon; Opponent4 guarded my VG for 1 to pass and I checked a crit which eventually took him to 4 damage.
My opponent was now in a really tough spot and really had 2 choices; hit me really hard and hope that I don't have the pieces to take the game next turn allowing for a chance the following turn to make a comeback (this is knowing that I have enough shield to guard at least 2 attacks) or play defensive, give me no more than 1 CB and hope that 1 CB isn't enough to kill him. Opponent4 did the latter which imo was the correct play but I had prepared for this situations... so on my turn I rode SGD and fetched Paccgal to CC, I then played Llew and Flogal from my hand; my opponent scooped.
It always feels good to win something and I had a blast playing with the new changes to the deck; Spring Circuit is coming soon for me and I'm still uncertain to take SGD or Brave with me... I'll at least be making another one of these posts in the next 2 weeks, hopefully by then I'd have made a decision~
Good luck to everyone playing at your tournaments!
*images from cardfight.wikia*
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