Monday, 9 January 2017

CFV - SGD/Blaster January 2017

A little overdue but... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

And following the new year Revival Collection came out! Which means... hehe what better to start the year with than another update to my Sanctuary Guard deck, yay! =D


GRADE 4: 16
3 Holy Dragon, Sanctuary Guard Regalie
1 Holy Dragon, Sanctuary Guard Imperial
4 Aerial Divine Knight, Altmile
2 Blazing Sword, Fides
1 Air Elemental, Sebreeze
2 Holy Dragon, Saint Blow Dragon
2 Holy Dragon, Laserguard Dragon
1 Vivid Sacred Staff, Andragius

GRADE 3: 5
4 Sanctuary Guard Dragon
1 Sanctuary Guard Arc

GRADE 2: 15
4 Sage of Salvation, Benon
4 Blaster Blade
1 Blaster Blade Spirit
3 Favoured Disciple of Light and Dark, Llew
2 Knight of Twin Sword
1 Starlight Violinist

GRADE 1: 13
4 Laurel Knight, Sicilus
4 Blaster-Friend, Barcgal

3 Hidden Sage, Miron
2 Holy Knight Guardian

GRADE 0: 17
4 Floral Paladin, Flogal 
4 Bringer of Dreams, Belenus 
4 Bringer of Good Luck, Epona 
2 Any other critical trigger 
2 Yggdrasil Maiden, Elaine 
1 Wingal Brave (starter)

  • Really not much has been changed, the inclusion of Arc over MLB or Altmile just makes for a Sanctuary Guard G3 ride more consistent. 
  • I am still playing 4 SGD over Arcs, Arc is simply slow for a deck that can win without striding:
    • For those that have played this deck extensively know there are games where we use SGD's on-ride skill to top deck a card to stride with.
    • SGD's LB4 and on-ride skill is very important in any game where you ride G3 first. He can hit just big as a stride unit and steal games when your opponent is still on G2.
  • Arc is not bad, main him if you like, he's also the better ride against things like Overlords (any kind of grind game) but like most results have shown SGD is simply better for what the deck is designed to do.
  • You might have also noticed 2 new units in the G-Zone~ 
    • Honestly there's little reason to play Imperial, his skill isn't amazing and really just there for whatever situation Regalie isn't better...
    • Sebreeze is in deck now, pretty much self explanatory...just to let you know EVERY deck should be playing this card now because the latest Seven Seas G1 Rush decks now stride!
  • Barcgal has been bumped to 4 from 3, his just overall really good in the early game.
    • Extra "Blaster" ride target for Wingal.
    • More chances to counter charge on G2; double Barcgal column with Llew is hella scary and trust me you'd be counter charging a lot more than you expect.
  • I'm playing 2 Holy Knight Guardians, I rarely pull the counter charging off or use it tbh...but she's there, Hope Keeper is fine if you prefer her+she has more synergy with Arc.
*images from cardfight.wikia*


  1. How do you deal with the Link Joker match up?

    1. I've actually tweaked the deck some more but...

      Standard rush and go for game on first stride like any other match up if they somehow survive your Regalie turn this deck is pretty much game over anyway...

      There's nothing special with Link Joker because it has a crappy early game, it doesn't generate any advantage or really do anything pre-GB and SGD always has stride priority so even if the game does go pass first stride the LJ player probably dropped their hand to guard.
