pre-Spring Fest locals individual tournament (29 players)
This is the Altmile/Blaster deck I posted up before with a couple of tweaks, most notably the extra critical triggers instead of draws. I legit decided to swap out the draw triggers for criticals moments before the games started when the host announced it was best of 1s; figured that I'll sack my way up =P actually went better than I thought though I did regret not playing draws at the end of the night.
My match ups:
Round 1: Gaia Emperor WIN (1-0 3pts)
Round 2: Seven Seas WIN (2-0 6pts)
Round 3: Messiah WIN (3-0 9pts)
It was really bad luck for my opponent. He chose to go first, mulligan'd four and still had to g-assist on grade 2 after staying on grade 1 for a turn; fortunately he was able to get the grade 2 but that meant he didn't have many cards to guard with against my barrage of grade 2 attacks and to add salt to injury I got a critical. He was at 4 damage when he ended his turn on grade 2; I decided to just ride grade 3 and go for game, we didn't even stride, I gamed him on grade 3 with a critical, Llew+Flogal and Blaster Blade.
Round 4: Great Nature LOSE (3-1 9pts)
Though I lost this round both of us had fun and my opponent was telling me how my Flogals was making him sweat and I was super unlucky I didn't get a trigger T_T
It was cool to see Great Nature in action, a clan not so popular around my area. Hope to play them more in the future.
Round 5: Victor WIN (4-1 12pts)
This round was quite important as my place at the time was 9th which meant in order for me to have a shot at top 8 I needed to win. And so I did. It was a really quick game, so quick I felt bad for my opponent. There wasn't much of a rush game, we just rode and attacked each turn but I did get Blaster Blade Spirit and a Llew to attack with which won me the grade 2 game and the privilege to stride first. My opponent was on 3 damage and decided to take my Gablade; I guess he didn't have a perfect guard in hand. I checked double criticals, all to vanguard and gamed.
Round 6: Thing/Blaster WIN (5-1 15pts)
I think it was quite an interesting game; a lot of people watched us play as initially it seemed like a mirror match but truly showed the difference in power of the decks even though both decks used the same engine. My deck was a lot faster with Benon and while Blaster Blade Seeker did do a good job of controlling the board the Thing/Blaster deck didn't have any real way to gain advantage heavily relying on drawing in to combo pieces and proc'ing draw triggers to get through the early game.
My victory this round guaranteed me a place in top 8; not sure what my exact placement was at this point but "ehhhhhh, whatever" I thought since I had gotten value for my money now =P
My victory this round guaranteed me a place in top 8; not sure what my exact placement was at this point but "ehhhhhh, whatever" I thought since I had gotten value for my money now =P
Round 7 Top 8: Gurguit 2-1 WIN (6-1 overall)
Game 1: To be honest I did some pretty troll things...which costed me game 1; the grade 2 rush went really well so I decided to ditch my advantage and stride with three grade 1s for a potential game end. It completely backfired when I didn't check a trigger I needed...I simply didn't have sufficient cards to guard and lost the game.
Game 2: No more trolling, same game plan as usual rush and stride for game. My grade 2 rush didn't go as well as I planned and we eventually went on to the stride wars. My opponent was able to get off a couple of heals so I was struggling to end the game fast while my hand was slowly being depleted by his multi attacks. On my second Aerial Altmile I was able to put my opponent to 5 damage when he no guarded my vanguard attack; a re-standing Blaster Blader was able to drop the remaining cards from his hand. He wasn't able to stride the next turn and he conceded game 2.
Game 3: was serious as both of us wanted the top 4 prizes. My opponent chose not to mulligan anything back to deck, wow. I mulligan'd 3 and in my opinion got almost a perfect hand as well [Barcgal, Blaster Blade Spirit, Flogal, Llew & Benon]. I went second and drew in to Altmile which I was perfectly fine with, rode Barcgal and attacked checking a critical (second Flogal). My opponent rode to 2, attacked and crit'd me back. My turn I rode BBS, played Benon for pluses and played Llew+Flogal>>Blaster Blade. The rush put him to 4 damage; at this point I think he was desperate for heals so he rode grade 3, played a bunch of rear guards and attacked, I was at 5 damage at the end of the turn which gave me 3 counter blasts to play with. On my turn I strode in to Aerial Altmile and used Altmile's stride skill to give Blaster Blade a power buff and placed my remaining Flogal behind my vanguard. My vanguard swings which gets nullified, I check 1 critical and 2 heal triggers giving all effects to Blaster Blade. My opponent scoops.
Round 8 Top 4: Thavas/Skyros 0-2 LOSE (6-2 overall)
Game 1: I wasn't drawing in to the grade 2s I needed and I couldn't even stride half the time while my opponent was proc'ing a draw trigger almost every turn. I lasted a while but eventually lost the game due to hand advantage alone; I even proc'd 4 heal triggers this game but just never got the grade 2s to retaliate.
Game 2: It wasn't as bad as game 1, I got a few grade 2s which got me an even footing; problem was I kept drawing in to my triggers and not actually proc'ing them. I think by the time we started striding I had like 6 or 7 triggers in hand and not even a PG. My opponent double crit'd me on the first stride plus retiring my Barcgal. That screwed me over pretty hard as the crits hit 2 of my stride fodders. I wasn't able to the stride the following turn and I had a whole hand of triggers no rear guards; knowing Lambros was coming up next and a potential 6 attacks I conceded.
Round 9 Top 4 for 3rd/4th place: CBD/Messiah 0-2 LOSE (6-3 overall)
Game 1: Just like my previous match my deck just didn't want to co-operate. I got crit'd early on and I didn't get many of my grade 2s to rush. I eventually gave in to the stride game when my opponent played his limit break enabler on CBD. The game didn't last long after that and for real I didn't even want to play against CBD anymore...
Game 2: But I'm here so I'd give it another shot. This time I started rushing right at grade 1 calling Barcgal to a rear column. I got my opponent to 5 damage on grade 2; everything was to plan as I attempted to stride for game. Unfortunately I didn't hit any triggers on my stride and my rears were guarded. The remaining turns was just me trying to fend off the onslaught of weak....attacks. Eventually my opponent went in to Amnesty for game.
CBD is a bloody toxic deck...I don't really have much more to say...
Closing thoughts____
- It was an extremely fun event and its been a long time since I've entered something as large. Though I didn't win it I came pretty close =P
For placing 4th I received a SCR Aurageyser the Doomed and 8 packs of my choice (Sovereign Star Dragon).
- I really like the way the deck functions right now; though it did fail me in top 4; the rest of the tournament was amazeballs, the amount of double crits and triple triggers I pulled today along with my grade 2 rush was disgusting; I'd hate to be the person playing myself.
- My biggest regret was not playing draw triggers. I'm pretty sure draws would have made my games so much more easier. I might also be making some more changes to the deck in the next couple of weeks once the G-zone increases and we get G-guards.
- If you don't want other people to play vanguard with you or you want to annoy the crap out of people or make other people hate you. Play CBD =)
*images belong to cardfight.wikia*
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